Wd-40 Smart Straw Lubricant, 7 Oz

Wd-40 Smart Straw Lubricant, 7 Oz

Wd-40 Smart Straw Lubricant, 7 Oz

The WD-40 Smart Straw is an all purpose lubricant that is easy to use.Thousands of uses - if it supposed to move and it doesn't, use WD-40. Loosens parts and displaces moisture to reduce squeaks and improve mobility.

WD-40 Smart Straw, 7oz:

  • All purpose lubricant
  • Easy to use
  • Great for vehicles
  • Cleans surfaces and removes adhesives.

Available Front 1 Pickup or Delivery

Brand Description WD-40

Unit Size 7.0 ounce

SKU 01230504

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